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Titivillus Editing for the Health Sciences

Preparing Ideas and Research Results for Publication

Timothy DeVinney, Author's Editor and Copy Editor
Titivillus Editorial Services

Procedure: File Compression With WinZip

Smaller files travel more quickly (as one might expect), so it may be helpful to compress your files with a utility such as WinZip.

WinZip works by creating an archive with as many files inside as you want, which are compressed to a smaller size. The degree of reduction depends on the program that originally created the file and what the file contains. Word DOC files, for example, can sometimes be compressed considerably.

If you do not have the WinZip program, you can download a trial version from http://www.winzip.com/ (accessed October 18, 2005) and install it according to the instructions.

Key to symbols used on this page

{ } a value to be filled in as appropriate (eg, "select {filename}" for mypaper.doc means select the file mypaper.doc)
-> left mouse click on...
d-> left mouse click, hold down mouse button, and drag
r-> right mouse click on...


Steps to compress with WinZip

Step 1. r->{filename} in Windows Explorer

Step 2. ->WinZip (from context menu), ->Add to {filename}.zip
(Note: go to bottom of file listing in Windows Explorer to find the new ZIP archive, if necessary.)

For next step (transmit the file), go back to stage 1: sending a sample for an estimate.

URL for this page: http://www.HeathSciEdit.com/TESproc-compress01.htm
© 2003–2006 Timothy DeVinney. Page last updated November 24, 2005.