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Titivillus Editing for the Health Sciences

Preparing Ideas and Research Results for Publication

Timothy DeVinney, Author's Editor and Copy Editor
Titivillus Editorial Services

Stage 7. Editing of Tables by the Copy Editor

Objective: to prepare tables so that they display key data in a clear and cogent fashion.

As the copy editor, I will edit tables for consistency and format them according to the style of the publisher, journal, or other intended publication medium.

Sources of guidelines for table preparation

American Medical Association Manual of Style. 9th ed. Chicago, Ill: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1998.

Nicol AAM, Pexman PM. Presenting Your Findings: A Practical Guide for Creating Tables. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 1999.


For the next step, go to stage 8: editing of figures by the copy editor.

URL for this page: http://www.HeathSciEdit.com/tes-stage07.htm
© 2003–2009 Timothy DeVinney. Page updated April 17, 2006.